Technology and the Church
Any tool that augments humans’ ability to perform any task can be considered technology. Dr. John Dyer can help you better understand how technology affects all Christians in this free mini-course from DTS.
Intro to Biblical Counseling
Biblical counseling involves guiding others, formally and informally, toward spiritual growth. All Christians are called to build each other up in the faith. That means, all Christians could benefit from learning a bit about biblical counseling.
Problem Parables
Problem Parables, or “parables that have problems built into them,” is a four-lesson course looking at four parables from Jesus that are sometimes misunderstood, sometimes misused, and sometimes just plain confusing!
1 & 2 Peter
Peter wrote his two epistles to people who were suffering. Peter’s first epistle addressed opposition from the outside (persecution). Peter’s second epistle addressed opposition from within (false teaching). Join us as we study these timeless topics.
Historical Backgrounds for the New Testament
This course covers everything from the Babylonian Exile to the Roman Empire. From the Maccabean revolt against the Greeks to King Herod’s controversial temple expansions, factions like the Pharisees and Sadducees to life in Israel under Roman rule.
God's Work God's Way