Names And Attributes of God
Names and Attributes of God is a five-lesson course taught by Dr. Scott Horrell. You will learn how certain Hebrew names reveal insightful and vital aspects about God’s character and person.
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians is a seven-lesson course taught by Dr. Tom Constable. You will learn about the history and background surrounding Paul’s messages to the church at Corinth and explore how to find your identity in Christ.
James is a five-lesson course taught by the late Dr. Stanley Toussaint. You will explore lessons in Christian maturity, including the importance of taming your tongue, and considering the trials in your life as “pure joy.”
Explore adventurous stories like the lions’ den, fiery furnace, and the hand writing on the wall. Begin this course today and discover the ultimate meaning of hundreds of incredible prophecies in the book.
Understanding God's Covenants
This is a six-lesson course on the major covenants of the Bible. It will walk you through the key promises God has made to His people. Dive into this enlightening course today and gain a greater understanding of the promise-keeping God we serve.
The book of Acts will introduce you to the history of the early church in the first century, Paul’s missionary journeys throughout the Mediterranean, and some of the persecution the church faces as Christianity spreads.