Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I login?

    Unlike our current site, you will need to enter your email and password to login to the course material. Be sure to keep your password in a safe place. But if you forget your password, use the steps below to get that password reset.

  • What if I forgot my password?

    If you forgot your password, use this link to have Thinkific send you a password reset email. Be sure to look in your inbox and your spam folder for an email from [email protected].

  • How does this new course work?

    In the past, you’ve had a single video and a five-question quiz that went along with that one video. In this new format, you will have the same content, but the video is split up into a few pieces, with quiz questions and outline spread throughout.

  • Can I get the full outline at the end of the course?

    Yes! After you get through all four lessons, there is a fifth lesson that has the full outline through Galatians. You can download that to remember back through Dr. Yarbrough’s lessons long after the course is over.

Other issues?

If you have any other issues with this test, please fill out the form below. That will help us to know that you’re on the test platform and not on the public platform so we can answer your questions quickly.